GardenTransform Your Bathroom With These 12 Plants

Transform Your Bathroom With These 12 Plants

Suppose you’re looking to refresh the shared family bathroom which is considered one of the functional spaces in the house. Bathroom plants are essential nowadays as they look duller and more uninspiring room than other rooms.

All you can do is add a shelf or stool with plants in your bathroom and add a touch of nature’s beauty, which can serve as an indoor air purifier and decor for your boring bathroom.

However, not all plants will receive the amount of light, warmth, humidity, and conditional typical they require to survive in the bathroom.

Many of the plants may not survive in the bathroom as the bathroom has low indirect light and also the humidity in the bathroom is high.

Today in this article you will learn and take a closer look at the 12 plants that can transform your bathroom:

1. Peace Lilly

Peace Lilly is one of the popular choices for the house plant as it needs less care and light. It is not only beautiful for the bathroom but it is also suitable as the bathroom has higher humidity than other places. As the Peace Lilly doesn’t need a lot of light and can even survive in low light it is perfect for the bathroom as they get low light than other rooms.

Peace Lilly
Source: Seed2Plant

Peace Lilly is also well-known for the air it purifies. It can remove the different types of harmful toxins from the bathroom and it can also improve the air quality of the bathroom as it purifies it perfectly.

  • Size: Up to 2 to 3 feet tall 
  • Growing conditions: Bright, Low, Filtered, indirect light, and moist soil

2. Succulents

Succulents which are also known as succulent plants are also one of the popular choices for the bathroom. Some of the succulent plants listed are aloe vera, Cactus, Jade Plant, Burro’s-tail, elephant bush, and many more.


It also may surprise you that Succulents are suitable for the bathroom and the answer is yes succulents plants are suitable for bathrooms as they require low-lit spaces and require very little maintenance. Some of them like aloe vera can be also used to treat skin and hair. So the succulent plants are great for the bathroom.

  • Size: Up to 9 inches tall 
  • Growing conditions: Full to partial sun, with dry, well-draining soil, watered weekly or when soil is completely dried out

3. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

The Snake Plant (Sansevieria) plant which is also known as the Mother-in-Law Tongue is an amazing plant for the bathroom. As snake plant is known to grow properly in high humidity places bathrooms are perfect for this plant.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)
Source: Gardening Know How

Snake plants are also best for cleaning for filtering toxins in the air. Also, the snake plant grows vertically rather than horizontally which takes a lot less space in the bathroom so it is best for the bathroom too.

  • Size: Up to 1 to 3 feet tall 
  • Growing conditions: bright but indirect sunlight but can be in dark places with high humidity

4. Tillandsia plants

Tillandsia plants are also best for the bathroom as they take a lot less care than most of the plants. They also don’t need any soil and are great for hot and humid conditions as the bathroom gets hot and humid most of the time.

Tillandsia plants
Source: 36Vine

They have a unique appearance and can also be found in 650 species they are also evergreen plants that don’t turn brown in any season. 

  • Size: Up to 6 to 8 inches tall in large form
  • Growing conditions: bright, indirect sunlight or normal home or office lighting

5. Boston Fern

Boston Fern which is famous also as sword fern is also perfect for the bathroom as it is also an all-around plant for the house.

Boston Fern

Boston Fern requires two main thighs to survive which is best in bathrooms with high humidity and indirect sunlight. It helps to apply a little bit of touch of a jungle vibe and it filters toxins from the air and purifies the air we breathe.

  • Size: Up to 2 to 3 feet tall
  • Growing conditions: indirect sunlight, high humidity, warm environment, shades

6. Paphiopedilums Orchids

As most of the bathrooms are warm because of the hot shower and less airflow Paphiopedilums Orchids can also be best for the bathroom. It also requires less care and can be easy to plant in the bathroom.

Paphiopedilums Orchids
Source: Missouri Botanical Garden

Cause of low maintenance you only need to water Paphiopedilums Orchids once a week and can be watered according to the size of the plant. It also helps to give the bathroom a little touch of color and give the bathroom an aesthetic touch.

  • Size: Up to 2 to 3 feet tall
  • Growing conditions: indirect sunlight or medium sunlight is enough and well-draining soil

7. Spider Plant

Spider Plant is also a popular choice for being a bathroom plant choice it is also one of the most popular house plants. It has a unique appearance which gives more vibe to the bathroom.

Spider Plant
Source: Nouveau Raw

They are mostly known for their ability to purify toxic substances like formaldehyde and xylene from the air we breathe. This plant also likes to be in humid places which is perfect for the bathroom as the bathroom is the most humid place in the house.

  • Size: Up to 18 inches tall
  • Growing conditions: moist well-draining soil, indirect sunlight

8. Lemon Button Fern

The Lemon Button Fern which is also known as the Nephrolepsis cordifolia duffii is best for being in a bathroom plant. As most of the fern plant can die easily Lemon Button Fern is one of the hardest fern plant to die.

Lemon Button Fern
Source: The Spruce

It requires less light perfect for the bathroom as most of the bathroom reaches less light than another room. It also gives a faint lemony scent to the bathroom and smells good to be in the bathroom.

  • Size: Up to 12 inches tall
  • Growing conditions: medium to bright indirect sunlight, moist well-draining soil

9. Ivy

English Ivy or simply Ivy is also best and fast growing plant that is best for the bathroom. As it gives beautiful trailing tendrils in the walls bars or any place it gives an aesthetic vibe to the bathroom.

Source: Gardeners’ World

It also cleans and purifies mold and other harmful toxins from the air we breathe. They love dampness, moisture, and low indirect light so it is perfect for your bathroom.

  • Size: Up to 66 to 98 feet tall
  • Growing conditions: medium to low indirect sunlight, moist soil but hates being soggy

10. Cast Iron Plant

Cast Iron Plant is one of the toughest plants and can survive in any conditions it gets most of the time. So this plant goes in any room and is perfect for the bathroom.

Cast Iron Plant
Source: The Spruce

As it is a tough plant it also requires less maintenance and it is also perfect for the person who often forgets or has less to take care of their plants.

  • Size: Up to 2 to 3 feet tall
  • Growing conditions: low indirect sunlight

11. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is also a perfect plant for your bathroom as it requires minimal maintenance and loves to be in a highly humid place like a bathroom.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo also helps to purify harmful substances from the air like benzene and formaldehyde and releases more oxygen for us to breathe.

  • Size: Up to 1 to 5 feet tall
  • Growing conditions: Partial shade, Water, or moist but well-drained soil

12. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen is a beautiful low-light plant best for the bathroom. As it purifies toxic and harmful substances like formaldehyde and benzene from the air we breathe.

Chinese Evergreen
Source: Garden Design

As it is a tough plant it also requires less maintenance and it is also perfect for the person who often forgets or has less to take care of their plants.

  • Size: Up to 1 to 3 feet tall
  • Growing conditions: low and indirect sunlight, highly humid room

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