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How Does a Professional Organizer Make Our Lives Easier? When Should You Hire One?

When should you hire a professional organizer?

Have you ever thought of hiring a professional when it’s time to organize your home? You might have thought of checking out a book from the library, watching a few YouTube videos for inspiration, or jumping in head-first without any research at all. However, if that ever fails, you might want to take help from a professional.

So, how do you know when it’s time to get professional help? Here are a few signs to ask for help.

You’re making a major life change

When you’re life makes a change, a lot changes with it, and your home often too. So, it might be a great time to hire a professional organizer and these changes could be bringing home a new baby, accepting a new or more demanding job, preparing for a new school year, suffering the death of your loved ones, figuring life after a messy divorce, etc.

When you’re on the edge of a huge life change, you wouldn’t want to deal with a hectic home on your own. So, a professional organizer can help you minimize the clutter and prepare the space for something wonderful for you.

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You’re struggling to maintain a tidy, clean home

If you have a baby or you’re busy with your professional work, you can understand how big of a task it becomes to keep your home in good form. After a deep clean of the home on the weekend, it just gets messy so you have to start the cycle all over again.

While many blame their busy schedule or lack of energy for the mess, it’s mainly because of the disorganized home.

Professional Organizer. source: UnFuss

While working with professionals, they not only declutter your spaces but also create systems that help you keep those spaces organized.

Everything has a space and there is no clutter. That is very helpful for quick and easy tidying during the week instead of a big cleaning every weekend.

You’re feeling overwhelmed by things

We collect a lot of things throughout our lives. This physical clutter can sometimes lead to mental and emotional drain. It not only makes us feel overwhelmed but also makes it harder to sort through the mess. If it makes you feel you’re drowning in stuff, it might be a sign to hire some outside help.

A professional organizer can help you understand what you need to keep and what you need to throw away. It can be a great help to have outside help when you’re trying to sort things you have an emotional attachment to.

The correct organizer will guide you through the process and also not pressure you to get rid of things that have memories for you. Once you have pared down your belongings, they will assist and organize them in such a way that feels less overwhelming.

When you’re moving or remodeling

There is nothing more a great feeling than confronting the reality of physical space. Packing brings you face-to-face with all of your belongings, even the stuff you forgot you had. That is the perfect time to declutter.

Along with making the moving easier and remodeling the process, a professional organizer will also help you achieve a fresh start in your new space. You simply do not want to carry your clutter into your new home.

So it is way better to get organized before you move and step into your new house with a sane mind and a truly clean slate.

You have no time for a major organizational project

Organization can be tricky sometimes. It is time-consuming and overwhelming and there is a good chance your home will face a mess before it gets tidy. With a busy schedule, most people do not have time to devote weeks or even days to organize their homes. That’s where a professional organizer comes to your rescue.

Professional organizer Richard Barrymore spoke about what his mind goes through while helping his client out. He said,

Professionals can make your space clutter-free. source: UnFuss

”While I do want my clients to feel in control of their space, it’s always my goal to make the process easy and enjoyable for them. When DIYing home organization, it can feel like the project takes over your life. When you work with a professional, you can keep on living while the hard work happens behind the scenes. Plus, a team like mine can achieve in a couple of weeks what might take an individual months. That’s a lot of time saved!”

When your life feels stressful and hectic

There is no doubt that your home affects every other aspect of your life, from your work to your well-being to your relationships. If your everyday life feels hectic and stressful, or disorganized, the problem might be your physical space.

Organizing your home doesn’t mean it only looks better. It’s also about setting up your house to work with your life. A well-organized home will allow you to go through your day without the mental stress or distractions that come from the clutter.

It will freshen up your mood and will make it easy to work, cook meals, and entertain friends. Aesthetics are a bonus, but functionality is our priority.

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When you want a major transformation overall

There is no question that many small organization projects can be done without professional help. However, a true transformation can be achieved only by hiring a professional organizer.

There are lots of benefits to hiring a professional including:

  1. It saves a lot of time and energy. Organizing might take a lot of time and energy, things that most of us don’t have these days. Professional organizing is more efficient and less disruptive than doing it yourself.
  2. It is more effective and transformative. A professional guide will allow you to make big changes through the process. Also, it is nice to have an outside perspective when you’re clearing your unnecessary belongings.
  3. It will last. Nobody wants their home to stay organized just for a day or two. After working with a professional, they will set up your space in a way that makes it much easier to maintain.

If you want to ensure greater results, there is no better way than hiring a professional.

When is the best time to hire a professional?

If you’re thinking of hiring a professional organizer, don’t keep waiting. Too often, clients only ask for help when they reach their breaking point. They tried everything from reading all the helping books to trying Instagram DIYs for organizing their homes. By that time, they have already created a lot of unnecessary stress and strain for themselves.

Professional Organizer. source: AD

We suggest you don’t wait until you’re exhausted and overwhelmed and forced to take expert help. The right home organizer will declutter and manage your home without disrupting your everyday life.


How much should a professional organizer charge?

The average hourly rate for a professional organizer is around $55 per hour. However, that price can range from $30 to $130 per hour depending on the project and the level of expertise.

Do professional organizers clean?

Typically their job is not to clean. While they have their way of doing business, duties usually fall within the confines of decluttering and organizing.

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