Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Therapy at Home

At Therapy at Home, we value the privacy and security of our users’ personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, share, and store personal information in connection with our therapy services, which are available through our website, mobile applications, and associated content, features, and functionality.

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

Information You Provide to Us

The personal information we collect from and about you may vary depending on your interactions with our Services and the information you voluntarily provide. This includes: 

Contact Information: Your name, contact details (such as postal address and email address), and communication preferences.

Inquiry Information: Information is provided in messages sent through forms, surveys, emails, or phone calls.

Account Information: Name, username, account ID, date of birth, contact information, profile details, saved items, payment and purchase history, subscription information, and any other information related to your account.

Financial Information: Credit and debit card details, bank account information, and billing/shipping address.

Demographic Information: Age, gender, race, income, occupation, marital status, household/family status, and related details.

Health- or Fitness-Related Information: Exercise and activity levels, weight-loss objectives, dietary preferences, and other health and wellness details.

User-Generated Content: Personal information shared in forums, discussions, comments, reviews, or any other user-generated content.

Contest, Sweepstakes, and Survey Information: Details provided when participating in contests, sweepstakes, surveys, or questionnaires.

Inferences About Your Interests: Hobbies, interests, purchasing behaviors, consuming tendencies, and health-related information inferred from your interactions with our Services.

Please note that any information you post publicly on our Services may be viewed, used, or captured by other users, so avoid sharing sensitive personal details.

Therapy at Home is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. By using our Services, you agree to collect and use your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at [contact email/phone number.

Information Automatically Collected


We and our third-party partners may collect information automatically, including the information you provide to us, details about your device, and how you use our Services. To do this, we use technologies such as cookies, pixels, SDKs, APIs, scripts, location-identifying technologies, and logging technologies. We and our partners use this information for various purposes. This information may include:

I have noted the following types of data that we may collect from you or your device:

  1. Device Data: This includes your device’s internet protocol (IP) address, operating system, device type and version, browser type, and version, browser ID, entered URL, referring page, date and time of visit, other user agent string data, time spent on our Services, and any encountered errors during the visit.
  2. Analytics/Usage Data: This pertains to the path taken to, through, and upon exiting our Services, activity, and usage within our Services (e.g., visited pages, clicked links, watched videos), metrics concerning email interaction (e.g., opened emails, accessed attachments or links), and information gathered through third-party tools regarding usage behaviors such as mouse movements, scrolling, clicks, and keystroke activity.
  3. Location Data: We may collect your geographic location, potentially through permissions within the app operating system or browser functionality.
  4. Advertising/Advertising Measurement Data: This type of data is associated with advertisements viewed or clicked on within our Services, digital identifiers (e.g., iOS IDFA, Google AAID) assigned to devices, and metadata, analytics/usage data, and location data for advertising purposes or to facilitate advertising measurement/attribution for enhanced ad campaign optimization. Please note that we and our third-party partners may combine automatically collected information with other data about you, including voluntarily provided information.

Please refer to the “What Controls Do I Have Over My Information?” section below for details on limiting or disabling cookies or certain tracking technologies on your device. If you want to learn more about our and our third-party partners’ use of these technologies and data for advertising purposes, please consult the “What are Our Third-Party Data Collection and Online Advertising Practices?” section below.

We may also obtain personal information from third parties and combine it with information collected automatically or directly from individuals. 

This is usually done to provide you with better and more personalized services.

  • Other Users Interacting with our Services: Information may be received from other users engaging with our Services.
  • Business Partners: Information may be obtained from our business partners, including companies offering products/services on our Services or elsewhere, marketing/advertising and analytics partners, and other partners facilitating advertising inventory transactions or providing business analytics.
  • Social Media Networks: Interactions with our Services via social media networks (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) may result in receiving information from these platforms.
  • Authentication Services: Some Service components may enable login through third-party authentication services (e.g., Facebook, Google), which may share personal information with us.
  • Service Providers: Personal information may be collected by service providers conducting services on our behalf, such as payment processors or survey conductors.
  • Information Providers: Information might be sourced from third-party information providers to supplement or correct collected personal information.
  • Other Sources: Personal information about individuals not otherwise obtained may be collected from publicly available sources, third-party data providers, brand partnerships, or through transactions like mergers and acquisitions.

By using our services, you agree to our Privacy Policy. If you have any privacy-related questions, please contact us at [[email protected]].