Summer is here. This is the time to lounge alongside the poolside all day, enjoying quality beach time or host guests at the backyard barbeques. But spending all day outdoors may have disrupted a few things inside as well. It’s time that your interiors get some of your love and attention too. And, we are here to help you.
It is never too late to return to a routine and rediscover ways to make your home organized and functional. Organizing shouldn’t be just a New Year’s resolution. There are many smart and useful tips to keep your home looking fresh and organized all year long.
From clever hacks to cleaning up in less than 20 minutes to declutter some items without another thought, we will tell you what to do.
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These organizing hacks will clean your space in less than 15 minutes
We bring you organizing hacks that can change your space. Is it hard to believe that you can make major changes to your house’s organizing task in just 15 minutes or less? Well, well. If that is what you are thinking, think again because there are lots of simple projects that you can do in just that time that will turn your space around in a major way. Plus, we will also provide some expert advice on how to make your job easier.
Empty clutter baskets
This is one of the best organizing hacks. Minda Hofer, the professional organizer at Labeled Living in Edmond, Oklahoma loves and applies this clever hack in her five-person home. She designates a covered basket that she likes calling a ‘‘task basket’‘ which helps hide daily clutter.

She explains, “As we go through our daily grind, items tend to get left out: Brushes, stuffed animals, shoes, and markers,” “When we need a quick fix, we will simply grab these items and place them in the task basket to be taken care of later.”
At the end of the day, Hofner takes some time to empty the basket with the help of her family members, making sure that everything is kept back to its original place.
She said, “It is a part of our kids’ nightly routine before bed,” “This not only works in a pinch but it’s a nice way to create easy-to-follow habits for young children.”
2. Sort through the mail
This is a digital era but we still receive lots of mail. If you let those bills, catalogs, and documents pile up, you will be in trouble. You can do lots of things to tackle your mail pile in just 15 minutes, according to Lili Pettit, the founder of Clutter Healing in Los Angeles.
Pettit instructs, ”If you have a pile of mail that needs your attention, take 15 minutes to sort the junk mail from the items you want to keep.” “Toss the junk mail in the recycling bin and place any important mail in a place where you are most likely to give it attention.”
3. Choose a donation spot
If you’re bored cleaning out spaces or always creating a donation pile in your home, take some time to research and find donation spots, requests Ashley La Fond, founder of home organization company Of Space + Mind.

The NYC-based organizer says, “What you need and use is ever evolving, especially when you have kids,” “Make it easy to edit on the spot by adding a donation box or a bin to every closet. When your bin is full, it’s time to do a drop-off!”
4. Say bye-bye to old devices
If the drawers in your house are filled with technological stuff that is no longer needed, take a breath and sort through your collection.
La Fond explains, “Chargers, cables, and old technology are a huge culprit for clutter. Retailers like Best Buy have free recycling and trade-in programs. Clear out those drawers and recycle or trade in those old iPhones, chargers, headphones, and cords you are no longer using.”
5. Tackle the Pantry
A disorganized pantry might stress you out. You might be surprised at how much you can organize your pantry in just 15 minutes or less. So, among many organizing hacks, this is one of the easiest.
La Fond advises, “Commit to regular pantry edits. Toss out expired items and get a sense of what you have before food shopping. Do this regularly to prevent food waste!”

Also, preparing meals will be easier if you have a strong sense of understanding on hand as you do not have to worry about jars and cans falling on you every time you open the cabinets.
6. Make Your Bed
Making your bed should be the first thing you do after you wake up in the morning. It is a chore and an important habit that can start your day better. Also, it will make your space look a lot cleaner and your mind clutter-free. A neatly and tidily made bed can give you a sense of calm, making your day more productive.

Not just that, making your bed gives you a message that you’re worth taking care of. It is such an understated form of self-care which can be done in a few minutes but can make a huge difference in your mood and home.
7. Make sure everything has a place
We all have heard the phrase, ” a place for everything and everything in its place,” but what does that mean? In a nutshell, each item in our home should have an actual place where it should be.

When everyone in the family knows where a certain item is, it’s much easier to keep the house clean and organized. It may take some time for everyone to get used to it but it is worth it. A well-organized home is a calm and relaxing space. Meanwhile, a cluttered and chaotic home can be stressful and overwhelming at times. So, we recommend you take a few minutes to create a system that works effectively for you and your family. After that, enjoy the peace of mind that comes with your relaxing oasis.
8. Other small changes
One of the most basic organizing hacks that you can do in just 15 minutes is saving your home from unnecessary chaos by keeping bins and baskets in every room. Kenzie Harkey, professional organizer and founder of Simply Dare in Charlotte, North Carolina, says, “Try your best to avoid the ‘shove it and close it’ method, as it will create more work for you in the long run.”
She stated, “The goal is to make tidying up and finding your things easy, so use labels or products to establish homes for certain things. Try a bowl for keys and a shoe rack near your entry, a tray to hold remotes, baskets on bookshelves for cords, and creating structure in drawers with drawer organizers.”
9. Save plastic bags for future use
You can store plastic bags in a paper towel tube to keep them from making an unattractive clump. You can also buy or DIY a fabric holder for storing these bags. Either way, they can be stored and ready for use as small liners, or dog waste bags back to the store.
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