HolidayInternational Everest Day: History, Significance, and Date

International Everest Day: History, Significance, and Date

Mount Everest which is located in the Mahalangru Himal subrange of the Himalayas, is the highest peak on the Earth reaching more than 8848.86m/29000 feet above sea level. The top of the mountain crosses the boundary between Nepal and Tibet.

It has been 71 years since Tenzing and Hillary first reached the Everest Peak. In Nepal, Everest is called “Sagarmatha”, in Tibet they call it Mt. Qomolangma. So far, climbers have found 18 routes to climb Everest but only two of them are the most established i.e. South Coal route from Nepal and the Northeast Rich route from Tibet.

International Everest Day’s Establishment & History

In memory of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay’s historic climb of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953, International Everest Day was established. The Nepalese government announced May 29 as International Everest Day in 2008 following Sir Edmund Hillary’s death on January 11.

In addition to paying respect to all the mountaineers, guides, and Sherpas who have been involved in the Mount Everest expedition throughout the years, this official designation aims to respect the achievements of Hillary and Norgay.

International Everest Day is a celebration of human bravery and the never-ending search for adventure. This special day represents the first successful climb of Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain, by Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand, and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa from Nepal on May 29, 1953. This day is celebrated yearly on May 29 to remember the memory and celebrate the spirit of adventure.

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay || Source: UPI

Tenzing Norgay, an experienced climber, and guide, first joined an Everest expedition at the age of 20, when Eric Shipton organized the 1935 British Mount Everest Survey, and Edmund Hillary, a New Zealand beekeeper. They climbed Mount Everest overcoming many obstacles, including dangerous landscapes, and severe weather until they finally reached the summit on May 29, 1953, via the South Col route.

The Mystery of Mallory and Irvine on Everest Summit, were they the first ones to climb Everest?

On June 8, 1924, Irvine and Mallory teamed for an Everest Summit, they were last seen by fellow climber Noel Odell who said that at around 12:50 pm he saw them “going strong for the top”.

George Mallory and Sandy Irvine’s 1924 Everest climb remained a mystery for decades, as they never returned from their Everest Summit. Did they reach the peak before the death? No convincing proof such as a Summit photo was found to confirm if they had reached the top.

On the north face of Everest, in 1999 an expedition funded by the Mallory and Irvine Research Expedition found Mallory’s body at a height of around 26,760 feet (8157m).

Significance of International Everest Day

  • This day emphasizes the importance of Sherpa’s journeys into the Himalayas. Climbers trust Sherpas because of their amazing climbing skills and stamina at high elevations.
  • Also, Everest Day promotes adventure tourism, which invites climbers and trekkers from all over the world to visit the Himalayas by promoting Nepal as a top adventure tourist destination.
  • It also brings attention to the Everest region’s environmental issues, such as the effects of climate change and how important it is to preserve the natural wonder.

How to celebrate International Everest Day

Celebrating International Everest Day can be a source of inspiration and knowledge. Every year on May 29, this day pays tribute to the spirit of adventure, and the majestic beauty of the Himalayas. Here are some of the few ideas for celebrating this day:

1. Learn and Educate: You can celebrate this day, by learning about the history of Everest expeditions by reading books or watching documentaries, also spread awareness among the people by sharing the stories of climbers, and their experiences through social media.

2. Honor the Sherpas: Sherpas are the native people of Nepal, who live in the shadow of Everest, they are known for their skills and endurance in high altitudes. Appreciate the success and efforts of Sherpa by being educated about their culture and supporting Sherpa communities, which includes raising money for health and educational programs in local communities.

3. Engage in Physical Activities: You can indulge yourself in hiking, trekking, climbing, or taking part in a mountaineering skills program to improve your skills in climbing and fitness.

4. Promote Environmental Causes: Engage in or provide donations to people who are focused on preserving the Everest region. Raise awareness program focusing on minimizing plastic garbage in the Himalayas.

Climbing Mount Everest: Things to carry

Climbing Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak at 8848 meters is the highest climbing task, as the climb to the summit is dangerous and requires amazing physical, and mental strength. Below we have discussed in detail what it takes to climb Mount Everest, and to survive through bitter cold and perilous heights, they must choose the correct gear for each elevation:

  • Light, the most important item to carry for climbing the pitch-black climb
  • Oxygen Mask and Cylinder, getting stuck at a high elevation and running out of oxygen is a common cause of death on Everest. Knowing how to regulate oxygen use is a crucial skill for a guide, the more you use, the shorter it lasts.
  • Glasses are another most important as one can get snow blindness in bright sunlight after an extended period, glasses are important to protect your eyes.
  • Crampons & Boots, Crampons attach underneath the climber’s boot and grip into the ice.
  • Safety Harnesses & Carabiners, are important tools in mountaineering that help you climb up using fixed ropes.
  • Clothing, Climbers require different types of clothing to handle the increasingly harsh conditions.
  • Medicine Kit, It includes things like antibiotics, altitude sickness tablets, and bandages.
  • Dry Fruits & Chocolates, Carry dry fruits, high-energy chocolate bars, and other chocolates good for high altitudes to eat during your climb, to maintain the energy.

How much will it cost you to climb Mount Everest?

Everest Climbing is expensive, depending on the quality of the facilities, climbers normally spend between $51000 to $59000 USD during the expedition. The permit alone costs approximately $11000 USD for non-Nepali citizens, while additional costs include $13000 USD for the liaison officers and Khumbu Ice Fall. Similarly, the equipment required for the Expedition may cost you between $7000-$8000.

Hiring a sherpa who works as an important guide is the other important cost. The pay for Sherpas often depends on their expertise and skills, the range of pay is 4 to 15 lakhs Indian rupees. Additionally, Sherpa receives a summit bonus of 1200-1500 USD if they succeed in reaching the top of Everest.

Insurance is required due to the possibility of evacuation due to emergencies, which can cost between $1k-$2k USD per person. Other costs include preparing the kitchen, and food, and carrying all gadgets from camp to camp.

The last, but important expense is an Oxygen Cylinder which can typically cost you $350 USD.

Source: SBS

Successfully Climbed and Death Counts on Everest

Climbing Mount Everest is one of the hardest climbing in mountaineering, as it is the highest peak on the earth reaching 8848 meters (29029 feet) above sea level. Due to the thin, low oxygen, at such high altitudes, there is a risk of altitude sickness, breathing problems, and many other health problems.

There have been 340 deaths on Mount Everest as of May 2024, due to the dangerous conditions, where more than 200 bodies are still on the mountain and have not been evacuated.

However, as of 2024, 6664 individuals have climbed the Mount Everest successfully.

  • Total Deaths: Around 340 deaths
  • Total Climbers: Over 6664
  • Total Summits: Over 10,000 (including repeat climbers)


1. Where is Mount Everest Located?

Mount Everest is situated in the Mahalangur Himal subrange of the Himaaeas, boundary between China and Nepal crosses this peak.

2. Who were the first people to climb Mount Everest?

Sir Edmund Hillary, of New Zealand and Tenzing Nirgay, a Sherpa of Nepal became the first people to successfully reach the summit on May 29, 1953.

3. What is the Height of Mount Everest?

Mount Everest is the Earth’s highest mountain with a height of 8848.86m (29031 feet).

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