Garden10 Houseplants That Are Perfect For Your Kitchen!

10 Houseplants That Are Perfect For Your Kitchen!

Are you thinking of adding greenery and freshness to your kitchen area?

Indoor plants/Houseplants not only brighten the room but also provide you with many benefits including air purification, reduced anxiety, Better sleep, Aesthetic beauty, and many more.

If you are confused or thinking about what plants are best for your kitchen area, here we provide you with the top ten list of houseplants that are perfect for your kitchen.

1. Aloe Vera-

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that has thick fleshy leaves known for its unique look and for its medical benefits too. It will be one of the perfect plants for you to place in the kitchen, as its gel has many benefits which include relieving burns, and mild skin irritations. Keeping this plant in your kitchen helps you to quickly cure in case of any burns while cooking.

Aloe Vera || Source: FOLIAGE

Care Tips:

As Aloe Vera loves sunny locations, place it on the kitchen windowsills, or countertops where it receives good sunlight. It is a low-maintenance plant and doesn’t require frequent watering, however, make sure that both over-watering and watering can kill your plants.

2. Snake Plant-

Placing a Snake Plant indoors or in the kitchen not only enhances the surroundings of your house but also helps purify the air. It does best in small containers or flower pots. This plant can be sustained in conditions where there are not a lot of nutrients in the soil it can still do well without fertilizer.

Care Tips For your Snake Plant:

Both overwatering and underwatering are the common problems to kill your snake plant, even if you water this plant in two to three days gap, it’s too much water for them. Likewise, if you don’t water this plant properly, the leaves start to droop.

An ideal frequency to water this plant is probably once in 14-15 days, however, it depends on the growing conditions.

Another thing to remember for this plant is to place it in the correct location i.e. a well-lit place that receives indirect sunlight and shouldn’t be a dark place in the daytime

Snake Plant
Snake Plant || Source: Plant. Pk

3. Spider Plant-

One of the easiest plants to take care of is the Spider plant, which is also non-toxic and very durable. As its name, this plant has long narrow leaves which is similar to the legs of a spider.

Spider Plant || Source: City Floral Garden Center

Care Tips for Spider Plant:

This plant loves bright light but doesn’t do well in direct sunlight, especially in the summer. Spider plants prefer soil that is damp but not too soggy. Water your plant well enough till the water starts to drain out from the bottom of your pot.

4. Pothos/Money Plant-

Pothos/Money Plant will be the best option for adding some greenery, enhancing attractiveness, and bringing positive energy into your kitchen or your indoor areas.

Pothos/Money Plant || Source: The Star

Growing Conditions:

Money plants can grow well in low light too but if you want them to grow quickly then put them in an area with enough light like next to the window, where they receive enough good sunlight during the day.

Watering the Money Plants: Check the moisture of the soil i.e. if the soil is completely dried out, it’s time to water them, Water until you see it coming out from the bottom.

5. Peace Lily-

Peace Lilly, also called Spathiphyllum is a popular choice among gardeners for its green leaves and its white flower. This plant is a relatively low-maintenance plant as it can thrive in low-light conditions, and is also an air-purifying plant.

Peace Lily || Source: Seed2Plant

Peace Lily is one of the easiest plants to take care of. This plant loves medium to low light i.e. it should be placed in a location where it receives indirect sunlight, or in a shady place. Make sure that Peae lily does not do well in the direct sunlight, and can die.

For Watering, check the soil moisture if it is still damp, don’t water it, but if the soil is dry, then it’s time to water Peace Lily.

6. ZZ Plant-

ZZ Plant also named Zamioculcas zamifolia is one of the popular indoor plants famous for its attractive green foliage.  It thrives in low-light conditions, being a perfect option for indoor areas with minimal natural light. As these plants are drought tolerant, let the soil dry out before watering it.

Depending on your growing conditions, watering it once in a few weeks or in a month is also sufficient. It is better to underwater the ZZ Plant than to overwater, as it may kill your plant.

ZZ Plant || Source: QG Floral

To sum up, the ZZ plant is popular with both interior decorators and plant lovers for its beautiful appearence, low maintenance requirements, and its ability to thrive in any kind of indoor environment.

7. Rubber Tree-

Another great houseplant that makes great indoor decorations, as well as a good air purifier plant, is the Rubber Plant. This plant loves bright areas but keeping it in bright direct sunlight for a long time might damage the plant. So it is better to keep the plant in a location that receives medium light i.e. next to the window.

Rubber Tree
Rubber Tree || Source: Greendigs

This plant is most likely tolerant to underwatering i.e. you can water this once in three to four days.

8. Areca Palm-

Areca Palms are a beautiful tall and air purifier plant, that can grow up to 30 feet in height. This plant just needs medium light so you may grow it indoors or out of the room, Kitchen, balcony, or any place you like to. Furthermore, it can take direct sunshine, but that might turn your leaves yellow. If you want beautiful green foliage, place it in a space with indirect light instead of direct sunlight.

Areca Palm || Source: Ugaoo

Water Areca whenever the topsoil looks dry. Moreover, Areca Palm is a popular indoor decoration option that brings greenery into your homes and workplace.

9. Philodendron-

Philodendrons are also another favorite and easiest plant to take care of to plant indoors known for their dark and heart-shaped leaves. There are over 400 species of Philodendrons that come in various shapes, sizes, and textures. These plants prefer bright indirect sunlight. Coming to watering, ensure that the top soil has dried out before watering.

Source: House Beautiful

Every month fertilize your plant in the spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Your plant will grow more slowly and its leaves may appear smaller than usual if it isn’t getting enough nutrients.

10. Jade Plant-

Jade Plant is also called Crassula ovata. This plant requires no direct or afternoon sunlight, it needs 3-4 hours of morning sun or evening sun. Do not place it in the afternoon sun s it can lead to the dropping of leaves. Another thing you need to remember is that Jade Plant grows well only in Spring.

Jade Plant || Source: The Pioneer Woman

Jade is considered a Lucky Plant as keeping it in your home brings wealth, good luck, happiness, and new opportunities.


1. How much light is suitable for a houseplant kitchen?

Most of the houseplants that are suitable for kitchen or indoor areas need bright indirect sunlight.

2. Can I put plants in my kitchen?

Yes, you can definitely put plants in your kitchen, but it’s important to adjust the kind of plant to the space, for example, some plants need more light than than others, so if your kitchen is dark your plant might not grow well.

3. What are the benefits of having houseplants in your kitchen?

There are many advantages of having houseplants in your kitchen, as they enhance the look of the space, reduce stress, and purify the air.

Also read, Container Gardening Made Easy: 10 Sun and Shade-Loving Low-Maintenance Plants

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