GardenLearn How to Grow and Care for Golden Bamboo Indoors!

Learn How to Grow and Care for Golden Bamboo Indoors!

Golden Bamboo is one of the few bamboo plants that we can grow indoors. Since most bamboos need a lot of sun and humidity to grow and thrive, this is not easy for indoor plants. Many think that the lucky bamboo plant which is a smaller bamboo-looking plant that needs water to grow, is an easy-growing indoor bamboo plant. However, it is not a bamboo plant.

Bamboo has over a thousand plant species, many of which grow over 50 feet or more and they grow in the wild. Golden bamboo is a real bamboo that has bright green upright canes that turn golden with age and sunlight. It features narrow, lance-shaped leaves growing in clusters on short stems from canes.

This beautiful plant grows quickly and can spread easily. Though you can plant it any time of the year, spring or early fall would be the best. A potted bamboo won’t grow large since the pot keeps it contained and more manageable. It usually grows about 5 to 8 feet tall.

Common Names: golden bamboo, bamboo, fishpole bamboo, monk’s belly bamboo, fairyland bamboo

Botanical Name: Phyllostachys aurea

Plant Type: Perennial, rhizome, grass

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Can we grow golden bamboo inside?

This bamboo can be grown inside but it is not that easy. To grow bamboo successfully inside your house, you need a sturdy pot, good light, and humidity. It needs at least 6 hours of light to grow and flourish.

Keep the bamboo pot in your sunniest window. If it gets good sunlight, it can grow up to 8 feet tall. A lower light usually results in slower and less growth.

golden bamboo
golden bamboo. source: Padmam nursery

Other common varieties of bamboo that grow indoors are Pleioblastus viridistriatus (dwarf green stripe bamboo) and Pseudosasa japonica (arrow bamboo).

  • Dwarf green stripe can reach a height of 4 feet but usually reaches only up to Pleioblastus viridistriatus (dwarf green stripe bamboo) and Pseudosasa japonica (arrow bamboo).
  • Arrow bamboo is taller, does great in shade or full sun, and can thrive in shade better than most bamboo species.

How to grow golden bamboo indoors?

For growing this bamboo inside, regular watering and feeding is the most ideal thing. To maintain the soil moisture level that your bamboo prefers, you might have to water it more than once a week. But since we’re talking indoors where the climate stays constant, you have to set up a care routine very easily.


Outdoors, bamboos normally prefer a place that gets full sun to partial shade. If you keep one inside, keep it by your brightest window so that it receives natural sunlight, and rotate the container weekly to make sure all sides are getting enough and equal light.

If the golden bamboo gets too much shade, it will get weak which means the plant won’t reach its fullest potential or develop its amazing colors. As long as it is getting proper natural light, you do not need to provide it with supplements or artificial lighting.

Temperature and Humidity

Golden bamboo is popular for its cold tolerance. For a short time, it can survive temperatures down to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. But, a long cold weather can affect the plant and might cause it to drop foliage and eventually kill it.

golden bamboo
golden bamboo. source: The Spruce

The plant likes typical room temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You would want to keep it away from fans, air conditioners, and heater vents. The cold and drying drafts can weaken the plant. They flourish in humid air but have adapted to indoor dryness if watered well. Most of the plants like a humidity level of 50% to thrive.


Bamboos develop some drought tolerance once established and can do well in soggy soil in short bursts. Having said that, keeping the golden bamboo in pooled water can cause root rot and kill the plant. You should provide the plant with evenly moist soil. You can test the soil by sticking your finger an inch or two in it. Water it whenever it feels dry. Never let the soil dry out completely. You have to cut back on watering during the winter.


Feed your golden bamboo a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month to provide the required nutrients in your plant’s soil after reading the instructions. Also, mixing some organic compost into the soil, mainly in spring promotes better plant health.

Pruning and maintenance

Bamboos generally do not need pruning. You may remove old canes at their base if they start looking a bit unsightly. Cut off new shoots as they pop up from the soil and limit your plant’s growth and spread.

golden bamboo
golden bamboo. source: Plant life

To begin, you need at least a 10-gallon container. If you think repotting it is a hassle, choose a 20 or 30-gallon pot. Bamboos love a pot that is wider vs deep. Clumping types of bamboo do better in a pot with equal dimensions.

Potting soil and drainage

Golden bamboo tolerates various types of soil and loves organically rich soil that has good drainage. However, it doesn’t like soggy soil. A commercial potting mix of peat moss and perlite should be well for potted plants.

Potting and repotting golden bamboo

Once you bring a small nursery bamboo plant, you can put that in a container that is 12 inches wide and deep. Add rocks and gravel to the bottom of the pot to anchor the plant’s weight. Keep the plant in the pot and fill it around with a loose, nutrient-rich potting mix. Adding some compost to encourage growth would be beneficial. After that, water the bamboo well.

golden bamboo
golden bamboo. source: Plant ideas

You might need to move your bamboo to a bigger one once the roots have spread through the whole pot and you notice them coming out of the bottom holes. Don’t let your plant stay in a pot that’s too small for a longer period. While repotting an indoor plant is generally okay at any time of the year the start of the spring is perfect.

Can I move golden bamboo outdoors for summer?

Since bamboos thrive in outer spots, you can move them outdoors for the warmer months.


We know golden bamboo can grow up to 20-plus feet tall, you might not like the idea of it growing vigorously taller than your ceiling can take. If you want to move your plant outdoors, it is necessary to acclimate the bamboo to outdoor conditions. The sun and the temperature swings might stress the plant. Then only bring the plant outside when the temperatures go consistent around 60 F to 80 F, similar to indoors.

To acclimate the plant, bring it out one or two hours at a time for a week. Gradually increase the hour numbers by three or four hours the following week.

golden bamboo
golden bamboo. source: Pngtree

Start by keeping the plant in a partial sun spot in the first few weeks. Ensure that the plant is getting proper sun but not extreme and has well-draining soil and ample drainage holes.

Once temperatures start falling to 50s F, it’s time to begin acclimating the plant for returning indoors. Bring it inside for two hours a day for a week, gradually increasing the number of hours each week. Also, do not forget to bring the plant inside if there’s a cold snap or an unexpected temperature swing.


Q: How long does indoor bamboo live?

A: Outdoors, a bamboo stand can live up to 100 years, but the average lifespan of an individual bamboo plant is about 7 to 10 years. Bamboo stands proliferate new growth yearly, making it seem like a bamboo plant is eternal. Because it’s hard to replicate its native environment indoors, golden bamboo plants will typically have a shorter lifespan, usually less than 10 years.

Q: Why are my bamboo leaves turning yellow?

A: The most common reason for yellowing leaves is too much sunlight or salty or fluoridated tap water. Water with filtered water and reduce sun exposure.

Q: Do bamboos flower?

A: Yes, bamboo blooms with 2-inch spikelets with nearly a dozen flowers, but their intervals vary by species or type. Some bamboo varieties flower annually, while others will not for over 100 years. Golden bamboo rarely blooms; when it does, it can take decades. The likelihood of golden bamboo flowering indoors is very low.

Q: What are the popular Phyllostachys aurea varieties of bamboo?

A: ‘Flavescens Inversa’ has a yellow stripe on the lower portion of its canes. ‘Holochrysa’ canes turn golden faster than others of the species. ‘Koi’ canes turn yellow with green stripes.

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