Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy and Standards for Therapy for Homes

At Therapy for Homes, we are dedicated to providing our readers with top-quality, informative, and inspiring content on interior decor and garden decor. Our editorial policy and standards serve as guiding principles to ensure the integrity, accuracy, and reliability of our publications. We produce independently and without any influence by any commercial support.

Content Integrity Promise:

Therapy for Homes guarantees that we uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our content. We provide honest, transparent, and unbiased information that you can trust. Our priority is to serve your interests and needs and to deliver content that informs, educates, and inspires. 

Each article on the website includes a byline that contains the author’s name. The date specifies when the article was last updated with new information. Some articles also have a tagline offering additional research or more information.

Additionally, photos and videos are not edited in any misleading or false way that could lead to the wrong way. 

All our contributors, writers, and editors must disclose potential conflicts of interest.


Every piece of content undergoes rigorous fact-checking procedures to ensure accuracy and reliability. Our Therapy for Homes team, editors, and writers verify information from multiple credible sources, including industry experts, reputable publications, and academic sources. 

We confirm all the data comes from reputable sources that ensure all the information is accurate. Also, we are committed to presenting factual information free from inaccuracies or misleading claims.

In case of any issue you would like to bring to our attention, please let us know by emailing (Therapy for Homes).

Accuracy and Corrections:

Therapy at home is committed to accuracy in all our publications. If errors or inaccuracies are discovered, we promptly correct them with transparent editor’s notes or corrections. Our goal is to provide you with dependable and trustworthy content that you can rely on for your home therapy needs. 

We encourage readers to reach out if they spot any discrepancies, prominently displaying corrections with editor’s notes to maintain transparency and accountability.


Therapy at Home’s content comes from a diverse range of reputable sources, including industry professionals, designers, landscapers, and trusted publications. 

We prioritize transparency by clearly attributing information to its source whenever possible. Additionally, we maintain a thorough record of sources used in each piece of content for reference and verification. 

We maintain a detailed record of sources used in each article, ensuring accountability and facilitating further exploration by readers.

Diversity and Anti-Bias:

We are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our content. Our team actively seeks out diverse perspectives and voices to ensure representation across various cultural backgrounds, identities, and experiences. 

We strive to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or biases in our content and remain sensitive to issues of cultural appropriation and misrepresentation.

Additionally, Our team regularly undergoes training to be more aware of diversity issues and ensure our content is inclusive and respectful.

Independence and Impartiality:

We maintain editorial independence and impartiality in our content creation process. 

Our articles and features are free from undue influence or bias from advertisers, sponsors, or external parties. Our primary allegiance is to our readers, and we are committed to delivering content that serves their interests and needs above all else.

Additionally, we engage in ongoing training and education to enhance our awareness of diversity issues and ensure our content remains inclusive and respectful.


We prioritize originality in our content creation efforts. While we may reference existing ideas, trends, or concepts, we strive to offer unique perspectives, insights, and solutions to our audience. 

Our commitment to originality ensures that all our content remains engaging, relevant, and impactful for our readers while upholding the highest standards of academic and journalistic integrity. We strictly prohibit plagiarism in all our publications.

We ensure that our readers receive valuable, informative, and trustworthy content by following our editorial policies and standards. Our content enriches their understanding of interior decor and garden decor, while also inspiring creativity for their design projects.