The Cleyera Plant is a shrub that can grow between 8 and 10 feet tall with a spread of about 6 feet. They also have a dense, rounded growth habit that makes them ideal for use as hedges or screens.
Here you can learn how to grow and care for the Cleyera Plant in your garden properly:
Cleyera Plant Growth
Cleyera plants are easy medium maintenance because these undemanding plants seldom need pruning. When the Cleyera plants need a trim you can do it during the spring. Instead of shortening the Cleyera stems, you can cut them all the way back to the center of the plant. Remember that shortening the stem of the Cleyera plants encourages two new side branches to grow.
To plant Cleyera you need to choose a location in full sun or partial shade with well-drained and acidic soil. Remember that if you grow or plant cleyera in alkaline soil, it leads to yellow, sickly-looking leaves. Although Cleyera plants can withstand moderate drought, the shrubs look their best when you water them regularly in the absence of rain.
You can also use two to three inches of mulch near the root to help the soil hold moisture and help to grow plants properly. Remember to plant Cleyera four to six feet apart as the planting distance will protect your privacy and provide cooling shade for you and your house.

Cleyera Plant Care
1. Light
As for light Cleyera plants need full sun or partial shade but mostly they require shade or partial shade to grow at their best. They require at least 4-6 hours of light daily for them to grow properly. Remember during hotter climates Cleyera may have scorch leaves so dappled shade is ideal and you should avoid deep shade to prevent leggy growth.
2. Soil
As for soil Cleyera plants need superb drainage and be acidic with a pH of 5-6.5. Depending on their variety, you can also mix borders, allowing six to nine feet between plants. Also, remember to use the mulch to help the soil retain the moisture needed for the proper growth of plants. You can also transplant the plant if needed during the fall or late winter/early spring.
3. Water
As for water Cleyera plants need one to two weeks of watering once but when you plant them you need to water them first two years to establish them well. You need to water them more deeply in times of high heat or drought. During the normal season, you can water them one inch of water a week.

4. Fertilizing
As for fertilizer, Cleyera plants need them during the spring season you can use a slow-release fertilizer. Remember to use a half-strength fertilizer during the first year of the plant and you can also add acidic amendments if recommended by a soil test.
5. Pruning
As for pruning, Cleyera plants need just a little bit of pruning. You can also prune the Cleyera plants after they flower or during the spring if the shaping is needed for them. Remember when pruning cut back 1/3 of the tallest stems to the base or at the center of the plant for shaping rather than shearing the plant across the top.
6. Winter Care for Cleyeras
As for winter Cleyera plants need more care than other seasons remember not to overly wet soil during the winter. If your areas have a lot of rainfall during the winter season a winter mulch of pebbles will repel excess water from the crown. Also, remember to use organic matter in the fall to promote drainage and adjust soil pH if indicated by a soil test.

Caring For Cleyeras in Pots
As for pots Cleyera plants need appropriate-sized pots with good drainage which should be filled with high-quality, organic soil mix with a pH of 5-6.5. You need to water them well during the first year or two before they are established. You can also use slow-release fertilizer made for woody plants during the spring.
When the Cleyera are planted in pots most of the time they will not need turning but if needed you can do it after they flower or during the spring if the shaping is needed. Remember if your area has significant winter rains move the Cleyera plants under some open shelter like roof eaves against a warm wall.

Q. Is Cleyera a sun or shade plant?
Cleyera can do great in both sun and shade but mostly they require shade or partial shade to grow at their best.
Q. How fast does Cleyera grow?
Cleyera can grow up to 3 feet per year if they are given the right growing conditions.
Q. What is the common name for Cleyera?
The common name for Cleyera is Japanese Cleyera and Cleyera Japonica.
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