House KeepingHere are 13 Bad Cleaning Habits You Need to Get Rid of...

Here are 13 Bad Cleaning Habits You Need to Get Rid of ASAP!

We all love keeping our house neat and clean and we’re often looking for ways to do it faster and easier. Sometimes we take certain shortcuts not knowing that we’re making it harder for ourselves in the long run. You and your family might have adopted some bad habits that are making your cleaning job look easier but have you realized that you may even be causing more harm than good to your home?

If yes, it is time to start getting rid of these habits so that you can get a clean and healthy home, and that too faster. For your convenience, we have enlisted certain expert tips to break those bad cleaning mistakes. If you start by applying just one or two bad cleaning habits each week, you are on your way to a cleaner home which will leave you with more free time for you to have fun.

Also, Read Things That Laundry Detergent Cleans Besides Just Clothes!

Break your bad cleaning habits now

Here are some important tips for you to have a cleaner and nicer home:

  1. Leaving Wet Towels and shower curtains bunched up

If you are someone who doesn’t like spending enough time in the laundry room scrubbing mildew from bathroom surfaces, this is for you. Don’t ever leave wet shower curtains and wet towels heaped on the floor.

source: The Spruce

Cleaning expert Katie Berry says, “Be sure to leave a few inches of space to either side of the shower curtain so air can circulate and help it dry, too,” This will reduce mildew and dampness which might lead to bacteria. As long as you leave these damp items in your bathroom, they will give your bathroom a mildew smell and also might attract pests like silverfish and ants.

This is one of the easiest bad habits to cut off. After each use, you can close the shower curtain so it will dry more quickly and reduce mildew growth. Hanging towels to dry can let you use them for the second or third use and lighten your laundry loads.

2. Allowing Paper Clutter to accumulate

Even in this era of online billing and banking, there are lots of papers that we have at home. We tend to have a huge pile of newspapers, magazines, and school projects. But you should not let that happen.

source: The Spruce

Choose a space near the entryway for all your mail, paper forms, and periodicals, and keep a shredder or a recycle bin close by. If you’re busy, take some time at least once a week to sort through and complete the necessary action.

3.  Cleaning with dry tools

You can not expect good results when you are using dirty cleaning tools. If your washer has a bad smell from the bacteria in detergent, your clothes will smell. If your vacuum cleaner or filter has dust inside, its sucking power decreases. A dirty mop or sponge cleaner will only further push around more dirt and bacteria.

source: The Spruce

It is essential to take some time to thoroughly clean tools after each use by washing them in hot water or emptying them completely and then adding disinfectant. After a certain time, replace them with new tools.

4. Only using one disinfectant to clean the whole bathroom

While it is quick and easy to use a disposable disinfectant wipe to clean a bathroom sink, it is alone not enough to clean the whole bathroom. By the time you touch the toilet seats and handles, the disinfectant properties are already gone. You are only spreading bacteria from one surface to another.

source: The Spruce

To be effective, the wipe should have enough disinfectant moisture so the surface remains wet for a few more minutes. For proper cleaning, use a couple of wipes or a clean cloth and enough disinfectant and water solution.

5. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink

Leaving your dirty dishes in the sink after enjoying your meal is a great place for bacteria and a jackpot for starving insects. You must train everyone to either put the dishes in the dishwasher or wash them right after having your food.

source: The Spruce

6. Wearing outside shoes in the house

Each time you step inside your house with the dirty shoes you just wore outside, you are taking in lots of germs and bacteria with you. So, taking a minute to remove your shoes each time you come home will save you hours of cleaning. This way, the bacteria and dirt will stay out of your home.

source: The Spruce

Whether a mudroom or the front door, develop this habit and encourage everyone to do so by providing a bench or chair for easier shoe removal. Keep a shoe rack or tray close for wet and muddy shoes and a bin to collect your family members’ footwear.

7. Using too much cleaning product

Some people think that more the cleaning products, the better it will work. Right? But, that is simply not the case.

Berry explains, “Those cleaning videos on TikTok with all the suds are satisfying to watch, but that much soap can leave a film that attracts grime.” “When you use too much product, there’s also a risk of the residue remaining active and conflicting with other cleaning products to form dangerous fumes.”

source: The Spruce

She suggests always using one product at a time and taking the amount that is only recommended by the manufacturer. Do not skip rinsing if it’s on the label. That’s why it is necessary to always use the recommended amount or a little less. We recommend not to waste your time and money on the extra product and the water to wash it away.

8. Storing cleaning items incorrectly

If you spend most of your cleaning time trying to find the right cleaners and tools, it is easy to do that.

Berry explained, “Clear glass bottles might look nice on a shelf, but they’re not appropriate for all products.” “Some, like hydrogen peroxide or chlorine bleach, lose their effectiveness when exposed to sunlight. Others, including solvents like rubbing alcohol or acetone, are flammable, so they must be kept in tightly sealed containers away from heat and light.”

source: The Spruce

Get all the cleaning supplies you need for each area and store them in that area. Bathroom cleaners can be kept in a small plastic carry or rack or under the sink.

Keep the dusting and furniture cleaning products and tools together for quick touch-ups. Last but not least, all the laundry items should be kept safely in the laundry room.

9. Stacking food in the fridge

If you and your family do not like leftovers, do yourself a favor and do not stash them in the refrigerator. If you are not going to eat it, just throw it away. Improperly stored food items attract mold and bacteria growth and make cleaning the fridge a difficult task.

source: The Spruce

10. Leaving bed unmade

Mother always said the first thing to do after you wake up is make your bed. How many of you do it? Even if you keep the whole room neat and clean, an unmade bed makes everything look very messy. Making the bed in the morning is a habit that will encourage keeping the rest of the room organized.

source: The Spruce

To make this job easy, select bedding that is easy to spread up neatly. A bed that has a simple comforter and pillow shams is easier to make than one with lots of fussy pillows.

11. Not reading labels and directions

Nothing is more frustrating than having to redo a task simply because you didn’t read the label properly in the first place.

source: The Spruce

Most cleaners do not work instantly and require a bit more time so that the ingredients can break down the soil and that can easily be wiped away. It is easy to spend 30 seconds reading the directions to avoid 30 minutes of extra scrubbing.

12. Using harsh chemical cleaners

We mentioned earlier that using too much cleaner is a bad thing. Using cleaners too harsh for the job is also not the right thing to do either. You can do more harm than good if the cleaners strip away finishes or cause toxicity to pets and family members.

source: The Spruce

One prime example is a chlorine bleach. While it acts as a good disinfectant, it is not that good when it comes to removing good dirt and grime and its fumes can be toxic. Always choose the gentlest cleaning products for the best results.

13. Dusting last when cleaning

Save your time and effort by dusting before you vacuum. Make sure your room is clean from the top down so the dust falls on the floor to be vacuumed away.

Berry says, “This was the way to go when vacuums didn’t have HEPA filters to keep their exhaust from spewing dust into the air.”  “It’s still a good approach if you use a broom to clean your floors, and for the same reason—you’ll stir up dust that settles back onto your furniture. For those using a modern vacuum, though, it’s best to dust first to move dirt off of surfaces and onto the floor then vacuum it away.”

source: The Spruce

If you have cleaned using the same disposable duster for a while, it is time for you to take a clean duster.

Also, Read Meet Kim Wolfe From Why The Heck Did I Buy This House!

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